Founded on the four principles of Value, Convenience, Security, and Conservation,
Sierra Shred is genuinely committed to our clients and our community.
Our service is cost-effective. We will save you 20% to 40% compared to in-house need to purchase and maintain equipment, no potential safety hazards, and most importantly, no wasted time shredding each month for you and your employees. With our service, you're free to do your really important work.
We come to your business or home. If you're a recurring client, we deliver a secured container to your location. You fill the containers with need to remove paper clips, staples, rubber bands, or file folders. Our state-of-the-art truck arrives at your location for your scheduled appointment, and our professional Service Technicians take care of the rest in a matter of minutes.
We help you protect your business and personal information. Our high security on-site service provides you with an unbroken chain of custody since your documents are destroyed by a bonded, uniformed Service Technician in your presence. And our Confidentiality Agreement and Certificate of Destruction provide you with even more peace of mind.
We recycle. All materials are delivered to specialized local recycling centers! Did you know each ton of shredded and recycled paper saves 17 trees, 7000 gallons of water, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, 380 gallons of oil, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 60 pounds of air pollutants? Go green!